A Pragmatist's Guide to Literature

2. Planning stream

2.1. 0x2233

  • This is going to be the definitive guide to books
  • I'll be starting with a base assumption as to what are books
  • Assuming you're an alien and need a complete introduction as to how books work.
  • This in turn should help me understand and breakdown all the relevant concepts about content creation
  • I'd already been reading and writing about writing in general and would like to actually speed up the whole process of writing a book.
  • will be publishing this as free of cost (might just do it for all the books that I write in the initial phase of my career)
  • plan on learning the nuances that need to be taken care of when it comes to understanding a domain and writing a book about it.
  • starting from scratch: archiving out all the old content into the archivals.
  • checkout Literature

3. Content Stream

3.1. 0x2233

4. Archivals

4.1. Structure and Content

4.1.1. Introduction

  1. Why am I writing this book?
    1. Personal reading journey

      Began at 19 with a technical inclination and hardly ready a book other than something that my curriculum demanded. Over 3 years, read 13 , 41 and 54 books respectively ranging from ….

      • My background with reading books -> initial philosophical blog
      • University was the first time I had time to spare for pursuing hobbies in a balanced manner with independence.
      • I only used to read technically
  2. Who is this book for?
    1. reading experience
      • ones who wish to start reading
      • monolithic readers
      • voracious readers who wish to pump their egos

4.1.2. Abstract

  1. Associated blogs
  2. Why Read
    1. An intricate and comparatively (to photos, videos, etc) potent index into your past :- your time now, in hindsight, will seem denser.
      • depending on what phase of life you read a book in, revisiting your reviews later on will help you recall smaller details that no other media can compare to…
      • stack that into a stream of timestamped reviews and you have a backdoor to your memories so powerful that you can recite the evolution of your intellectual state over that period of time.
    2. Cognitive Benefits
      • can formulate yourself effectively and conversations won't fizzle out because you will be relevant.
    3. Emotional and Intellectual Maturity
    4. Social Benefits
      • Access to eccentric and interesting communities
      • sustaining a conversation : you may rightfully begin hating small talk

4.1.3. Pragmatics

  1. Associated blogs
  2. what should you read : the joy of reading diversely
    • On idea hunts and ideation feasts
  3. Choosing your next book
  4. Making reading a part of your life
  5. Making the habit stick
  6. Fixating on techniques and tools
  7. Consolidating what you read : reviews, blogs, videos.
  8. That One Book…
    • The one that hits all the right sweet spots right.
      • you find it at the right phase of your life just when you needed to get into that particular thing and needed inspiration for that one particular thing
    • Leonardo Da Vinci's Biography for Walter Isaacson did it for me
  9. Overcoming Reading Slumps

4.1.5. Conclusion

  • books are not the way to explore the universe
  • they're definitely a ticket to the insights that'll help you do so

4.2. Archived Planning Stream

4.2.1. 0x216A

indexing a blog entry into the book's content: https://rajpatil.dev/post/most-important-book/

  • goes in the latter half of the book (on writing books)

4.2.2. 0x2146

  • started my morning with 20 mins of mental warm up, listening to a relevant podcast, while juggling and some pushups and squats sprinkled in …
    • am definitely awake without my daily caffeine cognitive kick-starter; yet to see how my workouts will be given this is the first day of going caffeine free.

4.2.3. 0x2141

  • was thinking of a blog post on how to go about choosing your next book but this is a great opportunity to write a book on everything that is to figure out about books. Given that my best reading spree resulted in consuming 100+ diverse books over a span of two years. I can elaborate pretty well upon how reading can change your life for the better forever change the way you operate.
  • Planning for this to be "the" guide for humans that want to read diversely -> From Dante's Divine Comedy to Da-vinci's codices ..
  • some basic tissue paper math, for the number of hours I need to invest..

(let ((words-per-line 15)
      (lines-per-page 20)
      (expected-pages 200)
      (expected-words-per-hour 500)
      (excess-frac 1.5)
      (self-confidence 2))
  (/ (* words-per-line lines-per-page expected-pages excess-frac)
     (* expected-words-per-hour self-confidence)))

… hours of effort needed.

  • will be writing it in the brain dump in different notes